Our goal is to foster cutting edge learning for consumers and providers in the ocular health space world-wide.
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EyeCyte Treatment
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Our team has years of expertness guidance in our field and happy to share with in the ecosystem hyper focused in ocular health.
The Future of ocular Care Statrs here
EyeCyte Focus
Providers are using the amniotic patch along with new testing and treatments to provide extended care in dozens of areas and cases to help their patients to a brighter future.
Your health is our vision!
Help individuals get the latest ocular care available.
Our vision is to brighten yours as well as the future of healthcare. EyeCyte offers amniotic membrane for dry eye therapy on ocular surface placement may be covered by health insurance or medicare under billing code 65778 or 65779. EyeCyte offers amniotic membrane for dry eye therapy on ocular surface for chronic dry eye, scratched cornea treatment, cornea tears, ocular amniotic membrane contact lens for chlamydial conjunctivitis in eye infections , atopic keratoconjunctivitis , mooren’s ulcer to symblepharon and giant papillary conjunctivitis treatment to help prevent mucus filament repair tears and scratches while minimizing inflammation billing medicare placement and application CPT code 65778 from doctors, ophthalmologists, optomitrists,DO different from wound healing transplantation when best eye drops or eye plugs don’t work like prescription optase, systane, similasn when REST AS IS doesn’t work and you have Achy, dryness, stinging, burning, irritation, grittiness, feeling like you have something in your eye and/or itchiness.. Now offering eye doctor finder near me free consultation.
Amniotic membrane transplantation is currently being used (CPT 65778) for a continuously widening spectrum of ophthalmic indications. It has gained widespread attention as an effective method of reconstruction of the ocular surface. Amniotic membrane has a unique combination of properties, including the facilitation of migration of epithelial cells, the reinforcement of basal cellular adhesion and the encouragement of epithelial differentiation. Its ability to modulate stromal scarring and its anti-inflammatory activity has led to its use in the treatment of ocular surface pathology as well as an adjunct to limbal stem cell grafts. Amniotic membrane transplantation has been used for reconstruction of the corneal surface in the setting of persistent epithelial defects, partial limbal stem cell deficiency, bullous keratopathy and corneoscleral ulcers. It has also been used in conjunction with limbal stem cell transplantation for total limbal stem cell deficiency. Amniotic membrane grafts have been effectively used as a conjunctival substitute for reconstruction of conjunctival defects following removal of pterygia, conjunctival lesions and symblephara. More recently, amniotic membrane has been used as a substrate for ex vivo cultivation of limbal, corneal and conjunctival epithelial cells.
Chronic Dry Eye
If you have had chronic dry eye or tubes that had failed you may qualify for treatment and testing covered by most insures and medicare.
Episcleritis RA can also lead to episcleritis, which is an inflammation of the clear layer on top of the sclera (the white of the eye). It affects both eyes 40% of the time, causing pink eyes and pain.
Sjogren’s syndrome
Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder wherein your immune system attacks the glands that make tears and saliva.
Uveitis The uvea is between the sclera and the retina (in the back of the eye). With uveitis, the uvea becomes inflamed. Patients might notice blurred vision, floaters, pain, redness and photosensitivity. If untreated, it can lead to vision loss.
Fuchs’ dystrophy
Fuchs’ dystrophy (fooks DIS-truh-fee) causes the innermost layer of cells in the cornea, the endothelium, to degenerate.
Peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK)
Peripheral ulcerative keratitis (PUK) is caused by immune complexes entering the vascular arcades of the corneal periphery. 34% of cases of this corneal melt are caused by RA. It can appear with necrotizing scleritis. It causes stromal thinning and epithelial defect with crescent-shaped ulcers. It usually occurs in only one eye, and may cause pain, light sensitivity, tearing, and vision problems.
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Discover the benefits of EyeCyte!

f.a.q. for Providers
•Product can be kept at room temperatures, eliminating the need for freezer
• Suitable for immediate use off the shelf
• Hydrates rapidly
• Adheres to the ocular surface
• Sterilized with gamma radiation to SAL 10-6 in accordance with ISO 11137
• Textured surface facilitates ease of handling and placement
• Symmetric graft allows either side to be placed in contact with ocular surface
• Can be placed in either direction (multi-directional graft)
• Has a micron thickness of 30-35 Microns• Tackier stromal surface for better adherence
• Only 9 units of KiloGray used to sterilize the grafts
• Low doses of radiation retaining more growth factors• Packaging offers typically a 5 year shelf life
• No antibiotics are used in the sterilization
• No potential reaction to the patient
• More growth factors and cytokines to survive the sterilization process for desired outcomes
Consumer F.A.Q.
YES: CPT CODE 65778 allows “PLACEMENT OF AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE ON THE OCULAR SURFACE; WITHOUT SUTURES” through a optometrist or ophthalmologist who can bill medicare.
YES is the health insurance company allows the provider can bill the : CPT CODE 65778 allows “PLACEMENT OF AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE ON THE OCULAR SURFACE; WITHOUT SUTURES” through a optometrist or ophthalmologist who can bill medicare. Private payers may have different pay scales, you will need to confirm with your plan administrator.
You should be prepared for discomfort for 2-3 days after the placement. Most people say it is like sand in their eye. (DO NOT SCRATCH) and be carful as your depth preception may be distorted.
Typically come in 7 sizes from 5mm,8mm,10.5mm,11mm,12mm,14mm,15mm disk is a dehydrated, minimally manipulated, amniotic membrane allograft for homologous use. It is shelf stable and provided in multiple sizes to provide maximum flexbility for a variety of clinical applications.