Retinal disorder is a medical problem related to your eye, more specifically, the eye part known as the retina. One of the most serious conditions that you can get in your eye is the Endophthalmitis. This is an infection that happens inside your eye. It is not a common condition, but it can happen to anyone.
The causes of Endophthalmitis is microorganisms that enter your eye. These microorganism can penetrate the eye area because of an injury, eye surgery, your bloodstream, bacteria, parasites, or a complication from cataracts. Sometimes, and this has happened on occasion, you can get Endophthalmitis because of contaminated surgical instruments, or from the people around when you had your eye surgery.
Generally, this infection happens during the post-operative period, or after an eye surgery. There are three stages of this condition: the first is acute-onset which means a few days after the eye surgery; teh second is delayed-onset, also known as chronic and happens anywhere from one month to several years after the eye surgery; and the last stage is glaucoma filtration, bleb-associated retinal condition.
Not all infections in the eye are Endophthalmitis. The more common eye infections are caused by protozoa, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Thus, you cannot assume you have this rare eye infection. You need the proper diagnosis from an ophthalmologist first.
The symptoms of Endophthalmitis are redness, floaters, fever, extreme pain, abscess, sensitivity to light, loss of vision, and inflammation in the eye. When you consult with an ophthalmologist, he will do an eye exam first. Usually this entails taking an eye culture or even have a DNA test done. This is not just to find out what is causing the retinal disorder, but also to find out what medicine will be most effective in treating the condition.
Obviously, when you are diagnosed with this kind of eye condition, you need to be treated immediately. In fact, this is considered an emergency situation. If you do not want to lose your eyesight, you will follow the treatment plan of your doctor. This is usually a strong dose of antibiotics to be taken for several days. The sooner you take the medicine, the better your chances are of keeping your eyesight. A delay of even a few hours could cause irreversible damage to your retina and your vision.
The medicine your doctor will prescribe will depend on the cause of the infection. There are some antibiotics which are injected directly into the eye, or you may have to drink the drug. Your doctor may even recommend an eye surgery to take out the infected tissues. This retinal disorder is a very serious matter and should never be taken lightly.
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