There are different kinds of retinal disorders, and one of the more common forms is known as retinal detachment. This retinal disorder happens when your retina separates from the back layer it is attached to. When this happens, you will experience a plethora of symptoms like flashing lights, sudden loss of vision, blurring, shadow, or stars. The symptoms you experience will provide your ophthalmologist with clues on the cause of your retinal detachment.
For example, if the retinal detachment is located in the peripheral retina, your symptom will most likely be a shadow across your vision. If it is in your macula area, your central vision is affected which means that you will see things in a distorted or decreased manner. You will not even be able to read small print.
Usually, retinal detachment starts slow. Often, the cause is a tear in the retina. Retinal tears can happen as a result of cataract eye surgery, natural aging, myopia or nearsightedness, or an injury to the eye. Other causes of retinal detachment are diabetes, tumors, swelling, genetics, or growing old.
Unfortunately, retinal detachment has become a very serious problem, especially among nearsighted people, and those who have passed the age of 40. You can get this problem earlier is it runs in the family or have had eye surgery.
On the other hand, if caught early, retinal detachment can be treated and loss of vision can be prevented. However, if left untreated, this retinal disorder will get worse because the blood supply will be affected. If blood starts to accumulate in a blood vessel, or fluids because of the blockage, then you are in danger of losing your sight completely.
Other than problems with your eyesight, you will not feel any pain, and this could make you complacent and not seek medical attention and an eye exam from an ophthalmologist. It is very important to consult with an ophthalmologist as soon as you experience any change in your vision. A simple eye exam could detect the retinal detachment, if this is the cause. If not, your doctor could request for an ultrasound to be done on the affected eye.
Treating this retinal condition may be done through laser eye surgery, cryopexy which is a form of freezing, or vitrectomy which is removing the substance, vitreous gel, that is causing the vision loss.
Retinal detachment can be treated however, there are situations when this retinal disorder did not improve. These conditions are a damaged macula, scarring, bleeding, or prolonged retinal detachment.
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